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Community Resource Development Plan

The Department of Developmental Services has established policies and procedures for the development of annual Community Placement Plan (CPP) and Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP) funding proposals by regional centers.  The following has been collected for the 2023/2024 funding proposal regarding what services should be the priority ranking from 1-9 

(1 highest priority - 9 lowest priority)

  1. Specialized residential options for adolescents or adults with unique medical and/or challenging services needs

  2. Affordable housing

  3. Mental health services supports, when generic resources are not able to meet individual needs

  4. Mobile crisis teams and/or wrap around services

  5. Early Intervention Services

  6. Employment

  7. Day services for individuals with complex behavioral/medical needs

  8. Transportation

  9. Services for individuals with forensic involvement


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4355 Ruffin Rd. San Diego, CA 92123

Phone  858.576.2996

Fax  858.576.2873

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