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Appeals & Complaints

The San Diego Regional Center (SDRC) is committed to building strong partnerships with individuals and families and our goal is to be responsive to each person’s unique circumstances and individualized service needs. However, despite our best efforts, there may be a time when an applicant for, or a recipient of, services from the San Diego Regional Center disagrees with the decision we have made.

If you disagree with a decision we have made at SDRC, you may ask us to review our decision to make certain

all information was considered. Most issues are resolved informally through this process of open discussions

with your service coordinator or his/her supervisor (Program Manager). If; however, the matter continues to be

unresolved to your satisfaction, you may request to participate in the Fair Hearing Process, which may include

mediation, an informal hearing or an informal hearing or fair hearing.

The California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 4700 mandates that regional centers shall have a fair hearing procedure for resolving conflicts between the regional center and applicants for, or recipients of, service. This procedure may be used to appeal any action of the regional center which is believed to be illegal, discriminatory or not in the best interest of the applicant or recipient.


The 网页内容无障碍指南 (WCAG) define 要求设计人员和开发人员改善残障人士的可访问性。它定义了三个级别的一致性:A 级、AA 级和 AAA 级。圣地亚哥区域中心部分符合 WCAG 2.0 AA 级标准。部分符合意味着内容的某些部分不完全符合可访问性标准。


4355 Ruffin Rd. San Diego, CA 92123

Phone  858.576.2996

Fax  858.576.2873

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