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Purchase of Service Data - Meetings

In June 2012, the Lanterman Act was amended, requiring Regional Centers to work with the California Department of Developmental Services to collect and post the following data related to Purchase of Service (POS) authorization, utilization and expenditures for each regional center.


The 网页内容无障碍指南 (WCAG) define 要求设计人员和开发人员改善残障人士的可访问性。它定义了三个级别的一致性:A 级、AA 级和 AAA 级。圣地亚哥区域中心部分符合 WCAG 2.0 AA 级标准。部分符合意味着内容的某些部分不完全符合可访问性标准。


4355 Ruffin Rd. San Diego, CA 92123

Phone  858.576.2996

Fax  858.576.2873

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